Apr 6, 2020
The launch of our take away service in CORBY Friday 10th April 2020
Due to the current situation we are all experiencing with Covid-19 isolation, most of this years festival season has been postponed or...
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Aug 9, 2019
Our new lady arrives covered in chocolate!
Well, its been a whirlwind of a summer with us launching a new lady. You are all familiar with our pink and blue ladies but now we have...
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Kitty Le Creme
Apr 3, 2019
2019 Festival Season Arrives
Festival season 2019 is almost upon us, we have launched a brand new website filled with information about our little businesses and are...
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Kitty Le Creme
Mar 8, 2018
Another Summer is on the Way
Well well well! It has been a busy roller coaster of a ride getting through 2017 but we are here excited for 2018 with the launch of our...
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